news item "Piggy" comes up to look over weather conditions Worthington News Thursday, February 7, 1935
news item Officer Taladay To Put New Dog Wagon In Service Worthington News Thursday, February 10, 1944
news item "Skipper" Is Gone Worthington News Ruth L. Archer (née Fisher), 1890-1959 (Author) Frank Eugene Archer, Sr., 1882-1977 (Author) John Jay Archer III, 1920-1981 (Author) Robert W. Archer, 1916-2000 (Author) Frank (Gene) Eugene Archer, Jr., 1913-1991 (Author) Thursday, June 8, 1944
news item Mayor Wing Gives Views On Dog, Weeds In Letter To Editor Worthington News George Virgil Wing, 1909-2002 (Author) Thursday, September 8, 1949
news item 2 Riverlea Dogs Die of Poisoning in Last Two Weeks Worthington News Thursday, July 20, 1950
news item Resolution No. 0624 Worthington News George Virgil Wing, 1909-2002 (Author) Thursday, June 3, 1954
news item This little dog lover makes a last minute check before sending ... Worthington News Thursday, August 18, 1960
news item Letters to the Editor Worthington News Donald S. Smith (Author) Pauline (Polly) Louise Rosenquist (née McWilliams), 1912-2012 (Author) Thursday, March 2, 1967
news item Editor: Worthington News Charles William Rosenquist, 1912-2003 (Author) Pauline (Polly) Louise Rosenquist (née McWilliams), 1912-2012 (Author) Thursday, January 8, 1970
news item Open letter to a prankster Worthington News Ronald E. Fox (Author) Thursday, January 29, 1970
news item Letters to the Editor Worthington News Seldon O. Conover, Jr. (Author) Mildred Ann Conover (Author) Thursday, November 2, 1972
news item Dog club announces arrival in Ohio of more Telomian dogs Worthington News Thursday, July 5, 1973
news item The dog catcher's role isn't what it used to be Worthington News Susan Porter (Author) Thursday, June 21, 1979
news item Local animal warden says dog license is best gift Worthington News Thursday, December 20, 1979
news item Letters to the Editor Worthington News Dolores Mulbay (Author) Bob Mulbay (Author) Anne Trimble (née Sawitzky), 1916-2000 (Author) Thursday, September 4, 1980
news item Dog disease is still around Worthington News Dr. Gerald (Doc) Burton Reed, 1927-2014 (Author) Thursday, March 12, 1981
news item Mystery dog's owner sheds light on past Worthington News Gerry Pokrandt (Author) Thursday, October 2, 1986
news item To the editor Worthington News Paul Preston Somers, 1911-2005 (Author) Mary Thomas (Author) Patricia Baumgardner (Author) Dr. Abramo Ottolenghi (Author) Ralph S. Podas (Author) Ciss Sweeney (Author) Wednesday, November 29, 1989
news item Sharon Township moves to muzzle bow-wowsers Worthington News Sam Allred (Author) Wednesday, July 11, 1990
news item Couple retrieve purloined pooch Worthington News Sam Allred (Author) Wednesday, July 18, 1990
news item Olsen's first four-legged 'foster child' proves to be hero Worthington News Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Wednesday, May 22, 1991
news item Underground railroad; Offering a new leash on life Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Steve Gambini (Author) Wednesday, August 24, 1994
news item Canzoneri contributes essay to 'Dog People' Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Katy Delaney (Author) Wednesday, November 15, 1995
news item Rosen brings together dog tales Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Steve Gambini (Author) Wednesday, December 20, 1995
news item City needs new leash law Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Elaine Hairston (Author) Alan Hairston (Author) Wednesday, March 12, 1997