Topic: dogs

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news item

Mad Dog Factory.

Public Opinion (Westerville)
H. L. Bennett (Author)
Friday, July 19, 1889
news item


Worthington News
Thursday, April 14, 1927
news item

Watch the Dog.

Worthington News
Leonard Insley, 1882-1952 (Author)
Thursday, June 23, 1927
news item


Worthington News
Leonard Insley, 1882-1952 (Author)
Thursday, May 2, 1935
news item

Dog Ordinance

Worthington News
Leonard Insley, 1882-1952 (Author)
Thursday, May 7, 1936
news item


Worthington News
Leonard Insley, 1882-1952 (Author)
Thursday, September 24, 1936
news item

A Fine Tribute

Worthington News
Rev. Isaac C. Peitsmeyer (Author)
Thursday, April 1, 1937
news item


Worthington News
Leonard Insley, 1882-1952 (Author)
Thursday, June 3, 1937
news item


Worthington News
Leonard Insley, 1882-1952 (Author)
Thursday, December 14, 1939
news item

"Skipper" Is Gone

Worthington News
Ruth L. Archer (née Fisher), 1890-1959 (Author)
Frank Eugene Archer, Sr., 1882-1977 (Author)
John Jay Archer III, 1920-1981 (Author)
Robert W. Archer, 1916-2000 (Author)
Frank (Gene) Eugene Archer, Jr., 1913-1991 (Author)
Thursday, June 8, 1944
news item

Resolution No. 0624

Worthington News
George Virgil Wing, 1909-2002 (Author)
Thursday, June 3, 1954
news item


Worthington News Thursday, July 5, 1956
news item


Worthington News Thursday, May 23, 1957
news item


Worthington News
Thursday, February 27, 1964
news item


Worthington News Thursday, January 6, 1966
news item


Worthington News Thursday, March 3, 1966
news item

Letters to the Editor

Worthington News
Donald S. Smith (Author)
Pauline (Polly) Louise Rosenquist (née McWilliams), 1912-2012 (Author)
Thursday, March 2, 1967
news item


Worthington News
Thursday, February 29, 1968
news item


Worthington News
Charles William Rosenquist, 1912-2003 (Author)
Pauline (Polly) Louise Rosenquist (née McWilliams), 1912-2012 (Author)
Thursday, January 8, 1970
news item

Letters to the Editor

Worthington News
Seldon O. Conover, Jr. (Author)
Mildred Ann Conover (Author)
Thursday, November 2, 1972
news item

Letters to the Editor

Worthington News
Dolores Mulbay (Author)
Bob Mulbay (Author)
Anne Trimble (née Sawitzky), 1916-2000 (Author)
Thursday, September 4, 1980
news item

To the editor

Worthington News
Paul Preston Somers, 1911-2005 (Author)
Mary Thomas (Author)
Patricia Baumgardner (Author)
Dr. Abramo Ottolenghi (Author)
Ralph S. Podas (Author)
Ciss Sweeney (Author)
Wednesday, November 29, 1989
news item


Worthington News Wednesday, May 30, 1990
news item

102 dalmations

Worthington News
Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author)
Wednesday, July 15, 1992
news item

City needs new leash law

Worthington Suburbia News (SNP)
Elaine Hairston (Author)
Alan Hairston (Author)
Wednesday, March 12, 1997
