news item Stolen Western Intelligencer (Worthington) Calvin H. Case, 1789-1819 (Author) Friday, September 4, 1812
news item Deputy-Constable Neds recovering from wounds: together with Marshal Taladay had engaged in gun fight with gang arrested for possession of liquor Worthington News Thursday, June 3, 1926
news item Sunbury men held up on Worthington-Westerville road Worthington News Thursday, September 30, 1926
news item Stores at Powell Entered. Worthington News Frank Eugene Archer, Sr., 1882-1977 (Author) Thursday, August 25, 1927
news item A crime cure Worthington News Leonard Insley, 1882-1952 (Author) Thursday, February 16, 1928
news item "A Beautiful World" Worthington News Leonard Insley, 1882-1952 (Author) Thursday, May 10, 1928
news item Burglars secure only small amount in robberies here: entrance gained to four stores: attempt also made at Reeb Restaurant Worthington News Thursday, May 10, 1928
news item Better watch out Worthington News Leonard Insley, 1882-1952 (Author) Thursday, September 6, 1928
news item Office of Worthington Coal and Supply Co. broken into: work thought to have been done by tramp Worthington News Thursday, September 6, 1928
news item Wire stolen, offers reward Worthington News George Virgil Wing, 1909-2002 (Author) Thursday, December 6, 1928
news item Watch your checks Worthington News Leonard Insley, 1882-1952 (Author) Thursday, December 27, 1928
news item Robbers blow school safe at local high school building Worthington News Thursday, December 27, 1928
news item Crime doesn't pay Worthington News Leonard Insley, 1882-1952 (Author) Thursday, February 7, 1929
news item Powell home burglarized: intruder escapes, but captured later and turned over to Delaware County sheriff Worthington News Thursday, February 21, 1929
news item Offers reward Worthington News Frank Custer Medick, 1876-1965 (Author) Thursday, May 9, 1929
news item Robbers enter loan building: barber tools valued at $100 taken from Ora Eicher Barber Shop Worthington News Thursday, July 11, 1929
news item $900 worth of goods stolen at Powell: W. I. Weaver store looted early last Saturday morning: identity of theives unknown Worthington News Thursday, August 22, 1929
news item Buell dry goods store robbed: merchandise valued at $200 stolen Worthington News Thursday, August 22, 1929
news item Constable investigating carelessness of hunters Worthington News Thursday, September 12, 1929
news item Robbers get $27.35 at the Chaseland filling station: station robbed second time in two weeks Worthington News Thursday, September 12, 1929
news item Delaware man robbed of $300: attacked by bandits on Sunbury Road Worthington News Thursday, October 17, 1929
news item Bandits blow safe at Galena; Make escape with $100 Worthington News Thursday, February 27, 1930
news item Marshal Taladay captures suspicious characters at Granville R. R. Crossing Worthington News Thursday, March 20, 1930
news item Chickens Stolen at Harry Freck Home; Reward Offered Worthington News Thursday, July 17, 1930
news item Local Marshal Gives Tip in Bank Robber Capture Worthington News Thursday, December 18, 1930