news item Powell Worthington News Marie (Lucile) Lucile Canfield (née Sharp), 1897-1967 (Author) Thursday, April 30, 1925
news item H. E. Buell now in charge of service dept. at local Ford agency Worthington News Thursday, October 29, 1925
news item Worthington Motor Sales remodels building-increased business makes improvements necessary Worthington News Thursday, June 10, 1926
news item Worthington Motor Sales to handle tractors and parts Worthington News Thursday, September 9, 1926
news item Village profits by return of auto license money Worthington News Thursday, September 9, 1926
news item Accepts Position as a Salesman for Worthington Motor Sales Worthington News Thursday, February 3, 1927
news item Worthington Motor Sales Purchases Welling Property Worthington News Thursday, February 10, 1927
news item First Authentic Description of New Ford Car Announced Worthington News Thursday, December 1, 1927
news item A good barometer Worthington News Leonard Insley, 1882-1952 (Author) Thursday, January 26, 1928
news item Another one gone Worthington News Leonard Insley, 1882-1952 (Author) Thursday, May 10, 1928
news item Good bye war horse Worthington News Leonard Insley, 1882-1952 (Author) Thursday, June 7, 1928
news item Village to get $1,132.20 as share on license sales Worthington News Thursday, July 26, 1928
news item Council holds long session at regular September meeting: lower fares asked of Rail-Light: parking on south side of New England Avenue to be prohibited Worthington News Thursday, September 6, 1928
news item Ordinance No. 0267 Worthington News Stanley (Pete) Ulrich Robinson, Sr., 1891-1968 (Author) Thursday, September 6, 1928
news item Better watch out Worthington News Leonard Insley, 1882-1952 (Author) Thursday, September 6, 1928
news item A safety hint Worthington News Leonard Insley, 1882-1952 (Author) Thursday, November 15, 1928
news item Van Horn optomistic over new six-cylinder Chevrolet Worthington News Thursday, November 22, 1928
news item Auto licenses to go on sale here December 1st: owners of motor vehicles urged to secure tags early Worthington News Thursday, November 22, 1928
news item Auto license seekers make last minute rush here: three hundred and fifteen tags sold Monday Worthington News Thursday, January 3, 1929
news item Looking ahead Worthington News Leonard Insley, 1882-1952 (Author) Thursday, January 10, 1929
news item Don't trust to luck Worthington News Leonard Insley, 1882-1952 (Author) Thursday, April 25, 1929
news item State to check up on "one-eyed" autos: license plates also to be investigated in state wide campaign Worthington News Thursday, June 13, 1929
news item Poor headlights Worthington News Leonard Insley, 1882-1952 (Author) Thursday, June 20, 1929
news item Appointed New Chevrolet Automobile Dealer Here. Worthington News Thursday, February 19, 1931
news item Local Officials Cooperate In Auto License Enforcement Worthington News Thursday, January 7, 1932
news item Protection Needed For Both Autoist And Pedestrian Worthington News Thursday, March 10, 1932
news item News Ads Get Results Worthington News Edward (Ed) Heil, 1893-1970 (Author) Thursday, April 14, 1932