news item District of Ohio, to wit: Western Intelligencer (Worthington) Humphrey Fullerton (Author) Wednesday, January 6, 1813
news item Miss C. Longnecker appointed to supervise oral hygiene in Franklin Co. schools Worthington News Thursday, March 18, 1926
news item Poultry flock of Mrs. N. C. Farber makes egg record Worthington News Thursday, April 1, 1926
news item Miss Sanford to Open Classes for Voice Culture and Piano Worthington News Thursday, November 18, 1926
news item Local Telephone Operator Is Awarded Theodore Valil Medal Worthington News Thursday, October 20, 1927
news item Accepts position at the Potter Lumber and Supply Co. Worthington News Thursday, May 31, 1928
news item To conduct lunch room and ice cream parlor during summer Worthington News Thursday, July 5, 1928
news item Mrs. George Kadel buys Watt Bakery: plans to add delicatessen line in near future Worthington News Thursday, July 12, 1928
news item Resigns position at F. W. Scott Insurance Agency Worthington News Thursday, November 15, 1928
news item Lindsey to be chief clerk of domestic relations court: Worthington woman in list of assignments Worthington News Thursday, January 3, 1929
news item Miss Albaugh Suggests Best Name for Beauty Shoppe Worthington News Thursday, October 29, 1931
news item Mado Shore Named Chairman of Better Homes Committee Worthington News Thursday, November 26, 1931
news item Mildred Shook Accepts Position As Assistant To Dr. R. B. Merrill Worthington News Thursday, March 31, 1932
news item Former Worthington Girl Establishes Unique Business in Marion County Worthington News Thursday, August 4, 1932
news item Mrs. Potter Re-elected Head of Ladies Auxiliary Worthington News Thursday, February 9, 1933
news item Mrs. Spicer Takes Agency for Todd's Home Made Candy Worthington News Thursday, May 11, 1933
news item Accepts New Position With Scott Insurance Co. Worthington News Thursday, September 21, 1933
news item To Open Barber Shop and Beauty Parlor at Linworth Worthington News Thursday, October 5, 1933
news item Mrs. Bond Now in Charge of Fenton's Dry Cleaning Worthington News Thursday, November 2, 1933
news item Mrs. W. A. Evans Will Open Restaurant Here Tuesday Worthington News Thursday, June 14, 1934
news item Sadie Legg Store Observes 20th Year in Business Worthington News Thursday, November 21, 1935
news item Ralph H. Root Elected Assistant Cashier at Northern Savings Bank Worthington News Thursday, November 12, 1936