Topic: buildings

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Worthington News
Susan Porter (Author)
Wednesday, July 20, 1988
news item

Probing Worthington's Heritage

Worthington News
Robert (Bob) William McCormick, 1921-2002 (Author)
Dr. Virginia (Jennie) McCormick (née Evans), 1934-2024 (Author)
Wednesday, April 5, 1989
news item

Probing Worthington's Heritage

Worthington News
Robert (Bob) William McCormick, 1921-2002 (Author)
Dr. Virginia (Jennie) McCormick (née Evans), 1934-2024 (Author)
Wednesday, April 12, 1989
news item

Major Improvement

Worthington News
Bill Maddox (Photographer)
Wednesday, November 1, 1989
news item

Slice of life

Worthington Suburbia News (SNP)
Stephan V. Jupinko (Author)
Wednesday, August 4, 1993
news item

Funeral home gets OK

This Week in Worthington
Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author)
Monday, October 25, 1993
