Topic: ballot issues

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news item


Worthington News
Thursday, November 1, 1956
news item


Worthington News Thursday, October 30, 1958
news item


Worthington News Thursday, January 19, 1961
news item


Worthington News Thursday, October 10, 1963
news item

Letters to the Editor

Worthington News
Shirley Calhoun (Author)
Rev. Edgar H. Perkins (Author)
Thursday, October 28, 1965
news item

State issues

Worthington News Thursday, October 30, 1975
news item


Worthington News
Paul Robert Insley (Author)
Thursday, November 3, 1983
news item


Worthington News
Paul Robert Insley (Author)
Thursday, October 23, 1986
news item

Yes on Issue 15

Worthington News
Sunny Allen (Author)
Wednesday, October 30, 1991
news item

Support your Council

Worthington News
James Lowell Probasco, 1941-2001 (Author)
Wednesday, October 30, 1991
news item

Seniors deserve better

Worthington News
June Rosalie Mollica (Author)
James Joseph Mollica, 1925-2012 (Author)
Wednesday, October 30, 1991
news item

Need traffic answers

Worthington News
Nancy J. Mily (Author)
Wednesday, October 30, 1991
news item


This Week in Worthington Monday, January 12, 1998
news item


This Week in Worthington
Wednesday, April 29, 1998
news item

Facts warrant a 'no' vote

Worthington News (SNP)
James (Jim) Stephen Timko, ?-2005 (Author)
Wednesday, October 11, 2000
news item

Voters need good info

Worthington News (SNP)
Fred Yaeger, Jr. (Author)
Wednesday, October 17, 2001
news item

Keep our schools strong

Worthington News (SNP)
Helen Claibourne (Author)
Dr. Charles (Chuck) H. Claibourne, 1941-2024 (Author)
Wednesday, October 24, 2001
