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5001 - 5100 of 28120 people | page 51 of 282
Name Lifespan Mentions
Condon, Effie ?-1950 1 mention
Condon, Thomas A. ?-1973 1 mention
Confar, Leonard Simms 1923-2020 1 mention
Confar, Nancy Shoemaker 1927-2020 1 mention
Confare, Martha 1873-1926 1 mention
Confare, Raymond ?-1941 1 mention
Congelio, Christiana 1 mention
Conger, Abraham 1836-? 1 mention
Conger, Allen C. 12 mentions
Conger, John C. ?-1939 1 mention
Coniglio, Vera 1 mention
Conine, Adelia (née Evans) 1885-1985 1 mention
Conine, Harvey Emerson, Jr. 1920-2006 2 mentions
Conine, Harvey Emerson, Sr. 1887-1947 2 mentions
Conine, Jennie Rebecca (née Sponseller) 1866-1941 1 mention
Conkel, Corey 1 mention
Conkey, Andy 1 mention
Conkey, Samuel T. 1797-1840 1 mention
Conkle, Herbert Joseph 1905-1965 5 mentions
Conkle, Mary Marcella (née Pinney) 1906-2004 4 mentions
Conklin infant ?-1893 1 mention
Conklin infant ?-1894 1 mention
Conklin, Anna C. ?-1977 4 mentions
Conklin, Burke A. 1908-1977 5 mentions
Conklin, Edward C. 1859-1951 6 mentions
Conklin, Florence V. 1908-1984 1 mention
Conklin, Glen W. 1892-1909 1 mention
Conklin, Goldie Hazel 1902-1983 3 mentions
Conklin, H. 1 mention
Conklin, Harry Montford 1903-1984 22 mentions
Conklin, Helen A. 1907-1908 1 mention
Conklin, Laura (née McRill) 1864-1953 5 mentions
Conklin, Lawrence L. 1896-1960 4 mentions
Conklin, Marian Adela (née Wainford) 1930-2022 3 mentions
Conklin, Maud M. (née Woodman) 1910-1986 5 mentions
Conklin, Richard ?-1950 2 mentions
Conklin, Sanford 1 mention
Conklin, Wesley Walker, Jr. 1927-1928 2 mentions
Conklin, Wesley Walker, Sr. 1900-1975 3 mentions
Conklin, William Charles 1925-2020 7 mentions
Conley infant ?-? 1 mention
Conley, Clyde ?-? 1 mention
Conley, Dorothy Edna 1898-1988 1 mention
Conley, Gregory W. 1958-2015 1 mention
Conley, Joan 1938-1998 1 mention
Conley, Ralph S. 1896-1971 1 mention
Conley, Rye 1 mention
Conlon, Celia 3 mentions
Conlon, Scott Michael 3 mentions
Conn, Chris 1 mention
Connell infant ?-1982 1 mention
Connell infant ?-1982 1 mention
Connell, Rachel S. 1 mention
Connell, Zelda (née Greenlee) 2 mentions
Connelly, David 1 mention
Conner, Frances M. ?-1982 1 mention
Conner, George 1 mention
Conner, John M. ?-1966 1 mention
Connett, Clara (née Johnson) 1877-1935 1 mention
Connolly, Gabriel 1 mention
Connor, Duncan H. ?-1992 1 mention
Connor, Edith E. 1898-1994 1 mention
Connor, Nancy 1 mention
Connor, Pamela 1 mention
Connor, Paul John ?-1996 1 mention
Connor, Wayne ?-1976 1 mention
Connors, Darian 1 mention
Connors, Edward 1 mention
Conover, Harry 1 mention
Conrad, Addie Belle (née Warner) 1908-1942 1 mention
Conrad, John 1 mention
Conrad, John L. 1896-1955 1 mention
Conrad, Marcia J. ?-1989 1 mention
Conrad, Marcia Rees ?-2014 2 mentions
Conrad, Marion J. 1916-1981 1 mention
Conrad, Tim 1 mention
Conrath, Alex 39 mentions
Conrath, Jack 1 mention
Conrath, Melissa 76 mentions
Conroy, Doug 1 mention
Conroy, Ellie 4 mentions
Conroy, Martha (née Ringler) 2018 1 mention
Conroy, Robert 6 mentions
Conroy, Sarah Elizabeth 2 mentions
Conry, John R., Jr. 1 mention
Contreras, Anna 1 mention
Converse infant ?-1984 1 mention
Converse, Alexander J. 1889-1936 2 mentions
Converse, Clara (née Ridley) 1890-1966 14 mentions
Converse, Clara Reed (née Snyder) 1925-1994 8 mentions
Converse, Eloise (née Landon) 1 mention
Converse, George LeRoy, III 1857-1946 7 mentions
Converse, Stanley Pendelton 1923-1995 30 mentions
Conway, Gerald 1 mention
Coogan, Joey 6 mentions
Coogan, Megan 2 mentions
Cook, Abigail 1 mention
Cook, Aegesta ?-1895 1 mention
Cook, Albert 2 mentions
Cook, Alexandra 1 mention
