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14901 - 15000 of 28058 people | page 150 of 281
Name Lifespan Mentions
Long, Ross 1 mention
Long, Ryne L. 1984-1984 1 mention
Long, Teresa 2 mentions
Long, W. C. 1 mention
Long, William (Carl) Carl 1885-1966 8 mentions
Long, William C. 1909-2005 1 mention
Longanbach, Karen 1 mention
Longenecker, Caroline O. 1903-1994 18 mentions
Longenecker, Claude 1871-1934 12 mentions
Longenecker, David M. 1915-1964 16 mentions
Longenecker, Eva D. (née Wood) 1879-1958 7 mentions
Longenecker, Rachel Anne (née Smith) 1917-2004 8 mentions
Longerbone, Francesca 1 mention
Longfellow, Howard Alan 1928-2022 1 mention
Longfellow, Jane G. 1928-2018 2 mentions
Longhenry, Frank Burton 1901-2005 1 mention
Longhenry, Norma Lucille (née Johnson) 1931-2020 1 mention
Longhenry, Thelma L. 1905-1968 1 mention
Longino, Joe R. 1922-1989 1 mention
Longino, Virginia H. 1922-2005 1 mention
Longshore, Ann Glassmeyer 1887-1968 1 mention
Longshore, Edna E. 1876-1967 2 mentions
Longshore, Edward B. ?-1944 1 mention
Longwell, Talmadge (Tom) 1942-2021 1 mention
Loofbourrow, Clark Ernest 1909-1993 86 mentions
Loofbourrow, Julia (née Hosler) 1910-1994 14 mentions
Looker, Carl Robert ?-1964 1 mention
Looker, Gary W. 8 mentions
Looker, James H. 1922-1993 6 mentions
Looker, Lalah (née Murphy) 1901-1996 3 mentions
Looker, Maureen 2 mentions
Looker, Nathaniel 1900-1976 5 mentions
Looker, Stephanie Louise (née Stimmel) 7 mentions
Looker, Travis ?-1996 1 mention
Loomis, Anita Flanders 1912-2004 3 mentions
Loomis, Beth 2 mentions
Loomis, Hazel 1 mention
Loomis, John Dwight 1912-1999 39 mentions
Loomis, Ralph 4 mentions
Loomis, Theresa 1 mention
Loop, Annie (Edna) (née Ball) 1895-1975 2 mentions
Loop, Lucious Alonzo 1853-1940 4 mentions
Loos, Alice 3 mentions
Loos, Arthur (Sam) Evans ?-2008 7 mentions
Loos, Betty Evans ?-1965 3 mentions
Loos, Jesse (Bill) Willard 1903-1973 80 mentions
Loos, Marjorie Rowlanda (née Lintner) 4 mentions
Loos, William 3 mentions
LoParo, Mike 1 mention
Lopeman, Robert C. 1 mention
Loper infant 1983-1983 1 mention
Lopex, Chuck 1 mention
Lopez, Amy 2 mentions
Lopez, Chuck 1 mention
Lopez, Mario 1 mention
Lopienski, Sarah 12 mentions
Lopresti, Debbie 1 mention
Lord, Asa 2 mentions
Lord, Gerard Gillmore 1881-1972 7 mentions
Lord, James Osborn 1891-1958 3 mentions
Lord, Josephine (née Bye) 1903-1973 4 mentions
Lordier, Edgar T. 1 mention
Lordier, Elaine Marie ?-1960 2 mentions
Lordier, Phyllis 1 mention
Lordo, Anthony 2 mentions
Lordo, Dorothy 1 mention
Lore, Jullian 1 mention
Loreti, Dante ?-? 1 mention
Lorimer, James (Jim) Jasper 1926-2022 121 mentions
Lorimer, Martha Jean (née Whittaker) 1927-2021 3 mentions
Lorms, Mary 1 mention
Lortz, William Norman ?-1938 1 mention
Lory, Clarence ?-? 1 mention
Losch, Kenneth 1 mention
Losinski, Patrick 1 mention
Lothes, Delbert Mason 1933-2018 1 mention
Lothes, Eric 1 mention
Lothes, Sharon Lee (née Williams) 1934-2018 1 mention
Lott, Adah ?-? 1 mention
Lott, Mrs. ?-1908 1 mention
Lotte, Franklin D. 1918-1934 1 mention
Lotte, Jessie Ann 1884-1948 1 mention
Lotte, Steven L. 1943-1979 1 mention
Lotte, William Andrew 1886-1965 1 mention
Lotz, Arthur J. 1909-1995 1 mention
Lotz, Lucille G. 1908-1980 1 mention
Lotze, Bernice A. ?-1984 1 mention
Lotze, John C. ?-1981 1 mention
Lou, Cameron Shawn 2016-2016 1 mention
Lou, Claire 2016-2016 1 mention
Louden, Laura 1 mention
Loudermilk, Carolyn S. ?-1942 1 mention
Loudermilk, Christine (Chris) 1 mention
Loudermilk, Robert O. ?-1977 1 mention
Loudin, Barbara 1 mention
Lough, Ryan 1 mention
Loughead, Lawrence Leo 1932-2017 1 mention
Love infant ?-1829 1 mention
Love, Hilton A. ?-1981 2 mentions
Love, Janet 1 mention
