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25101 - 25200 of 28120 people | page 252 of 282
Name Lifespan Mentions
Tompos, Donald (Don) Joseph 1929-1995 5 mentions
Tompos, Margaret (Peg) P. 1930-2009 3 mentions
Toms, Beth 2 mentions
Toms, Erin 3 mentions
Toms, Jim 68 mentions
Tone, Aurilla ?-1867 1 mention
Tone, Christopher ?-1850 1 mention
Tone, James 1871-1935 1 mention
Tone, Laura W. ?-1850 1 mention
Tone, Nina A. 1876-1953 1 mention
Tongren, Robert 1 mention
Tonguette, Peter 2 mentions
Tonn, Mallory 1 mention
Toomey, John W. ?-1957 1 mention
Toomey, Margaret ?-1954 1 mention
Toops, William A. 1984-1984 1 mention
Topping, James R. 1842-1922 5 mentions
Topping, Margaret Wright 1837-1906 1 mention
Topping, Mary A. 1805-1865 1 mention
Topping, Mary Eliza ?-1838 1 mention
Topping, Miranda 1808-1827 1 mention
Topping, William 1806-1844 2 mentions
Torlone, Anthony 2 mentions
Tormet, Ann 101 mentions
Tornero, Vince 1 mention
Torok, Mary Ellen 1 mention
Torres, Baily 1 mention
Torres, John 1 mention
Torres, Joseph ?-2004 1 mention
Torres, Michael 1 mention
Torres-Linarez, Luis 1 mention
Torrey, George S. 1 mention
Torrini-Roblin, Gloria 1 mention
Tortora, Madison 2 mentions
Tosi, Carissa 1 mention
Tossey, Charles 1 mention
Toth, Alexander 1 mention
Toth, Anastasia 3 mentions
Toth, Elizabeth 1 mention
Toth, Erica A. ?-1974 1 mention
Toth, John 6 mentions
Toth, John Joseph 1932-2015 1 mention
Toth, Maggie 1 mention
Toth-Wood, Andrea ?-1995 1 mention
Toukan, David Charles ?-1984 1 mention
Toure, Macire 2 mentions
Toussoun, Rawan 1 mention
Tout, Julia 5 mentions
Touve, Wendy 49 mentions
Towler, Valerie 2 mentions
Townley, Nancy Ann (née Bailey) 1935-2020 1 mention
Towns, Jazzara ?-1996 1 mention
Towns, Mark 1 mention
Towns, Seth 4 mentions
Townsend, Kristy 1 mention
Townsend, Raymond ?-1969 1 mention
Townsend, Vivian Clifford 1897-1953 1 mention
Toyer, Eva M. ?-1861 1 mention
Tozer, Joseph Butterworth 1828-1909 3 mentions
Trace, Katie 1 mention
Tracy infant ?-1981 1 mention
Traft, Bob 1 mention
Trail, Alma 2 mentions
Trail, Douglas R. 1928-2012 1 mention
Trail, Margaret (Peggy) F. 1926-2018 3 mentions
Trammel, Susie 1 mention
Tramont, Evelyn ?-1976 1 mention
Trancone, Charles 1 mention
Trank, Ashley 1 mention
Trank, Lindsey 1 mention
Tranner, Alva ?-1956 1 mention
Traphagan, Chris 2 mentions
Trask, Andrea 1 mention
Trausch, Edwin M. 1939-2017 1 mention
Trautman, Ethel F. 1 mention
Trautman, Harold J. 1 mention
Traver, Florence (née Tomkins) ?-1993 1 mention
Traver, Francis Eager 1910-1996 1 mention
Traver, Robert Tomkins 1935-2001 1 mention
Travers, Lee J. 1926-1975 1 mention
Travers, Rachel 1 mention
Travers, Virginia Ann 1935-2019 1 mention
Travick, Alex 2 mentions
Travis infant ?-1980 1 mention
Travis, Cynthia (Cynde) Louise 1961-2023 1 mention
Travis, Gertrude M. (née Yarhouse) 1902-1978 2 mentions
Travis, Julie 1 mention
Traxler, Rachel 2 mentions
Traylor infant 1970-1970 1 mention
Traylor, Ethel (née Laws) 1 mention
Traylor, Tommie 1932-1982 1 mention
Treadway, Minnie ?-1974 1 mention
Treece, W. J. 1 mention
Trees infant ?-1946 1 mention
Trees infant ?-1949 1 mention
Trees, Beverly Pearl (née Crane) 1917-2006 5 mentions
Trees, Earl (Pat) Cash 1913-2004 14 mentions
Trees, George C. 1869-1940 3 mentions
Trees, Juanita Mae (née Sulser) 1920-1999 8 mentions
Trees, Lee 1907-1988 6 mentions
