War: World War I

101 - 200 of 239 veterans | page 2 of 3
Name Branch of service
Huggett, Harry R.
Hursey, Reese D., Sr.
Hutchison, James A.
Igelsrud, Iver Army Air Corps
Inscho, Foster Leo
Jacques, Maurice J.
James, Darl S.
Johnson, Harold L.
Johnson, Sebastian K.
Johnston, Roy D.
Jones, Roscoe W., Sr.
Jordan, Worley
Kegg, Charles C., Sr.
Keltner, John Edwin
Kirker, Frederick
Kirtley, Paul M.
Knoebel, Edwin L.
Kulis, Clemetta Army Nurse Corps
Lannigan, Alexander
Lantz, Edward Marion
Laubensheimer, Phillip Oscar
Lawrence, James Daniel
Lawson, Ralph, Sr.
Lazell, Theron (Pat) James
Leasure, Lawrence G.
Lindimore, Howard Brewster
Looker, Nathaniel Army
Mason, Charles A.
Mason, Walter
Matheny, Carlos W.
McClung, Lester
McDill, Bruce Magaw
McMullen, William
McNaughton, Herbert
McQuilkin, Vernon R.
Mengert, Karl G.
Mercer, Ira
Mick, Charles B.
Millikan, Russell
Mills, James W.
Moore, Fred B.
Morgan, Richard Bryan, Sr. Navy
Moses, Guy S.
Moyer, Arlus R.
Murphy, Harlan M.
Murphy, Robert G. Army
Nance, James
Newkirk, Maynard Cyrus
Noe, Elmer C.
O'Reilly, Jack W.
O'Reilly, James Edward
Olmsted, Irving (Pop) P., Sr. Canadian Army
Paul, Roscoe M.
Paulus, Walter Lawrence Army
Pierson, Leland E.
Plumb, Roy
Prince, Malcolm B.
Prior, Carl G.
Putnam, James Brunner Marine Corps
Raigner, Thomas L.
Ranall, Frank
Rannebarger, Ralph
Reynolds, Arthur H.
Rinesmith, Marion F.
Robbins, Charles E.
Rousculp, John A.
Roush, George O.
Rucker, Robert E.
Runyon, Dewey M.
Samuel, William R.
Saylor, Roy F. Army
Scatterday, John R. Army
Schoellkopf, Edward Carl
Sebring, Paul F.
Sedore, Fred R.
Seward, Kenneth Pell Army
Shapter, Walter James, Jr.
Silcott, Gordon R.
Simmons, Howard Milton
Simmons, Lawnie J.
Slattery, Michael
Smith, DeQuincey
Smith, Wesley A.
Snouffer, Earl (Shine) Eldon
Snouffer, Frank Goble (née Morgan)
Snouffer, Lyle Oxford
Spafford, John P.
Speer, James Hallock
Steele, Edward E.
Steen, Edward O.
Stevenson, John E.
Stevenson, Ralph H.
Stevenson, William
Stimmel, Roy M.
Strauss, Godfrey E.
Terry, Leonard A.
Tetlow, John B.
Thomas, Benjamin F.
Thomas, Melvin L.
Thompson, William (Dick) K.
