news item Now Councilman Sensenbrenner must earn that title Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Steve Gambini (Author) Wednesday, June 12, 1996
news item Forecast shows Columbus' financial growth slowing Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Steve Gambini (Author) Wednesday, July 3, 1996
news item Columbus to branch out in developing infrastructure Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Steve Gambini (Author) Wednesday, July 17, 1996
news item Far north residents asked to guide park plans Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Susan Brohman (Author) Wednesday, October 30, 1996
news item 'Santa Maria' dead on course for city's budget Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Steve Gambini (Author) Wednesday, November 27, 1996
news item Far north residents don't want ball diamonds Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Susan Brohman (Author) Wednesday, December 11, 1996
news item Leaders aren't calling graphics code banner legislation Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Kara Dickinson (Author) Wednesday, July 23, 1997
news item Columbus addresses senior recreation Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Kara Dickinson (Author) Wednesday, July 30, 1997
news item Columbus council incumbents forming platforms Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Kara Dickinson (Author) Wednesday, August 13, 1997
news item Challengers' focus: neighborhoods Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Kara Dickinson (Author) Wednesday, August 13, 1997
news item Council OKs slew of tax breaks before seeing report Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Kara Dickinson (Author) Wednesday, August 13, 1997
news item Reidelbach: Council must listen to neighbors Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Kara Dickinson (Author) Wednesday, October 1, 1997
news item Coleman wants to build on accomplishments Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Kara Dickinson (Author) Wednesday, October 29, 1997
news item Team approach works in City Council race Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Kara Dickinson (Author) Wednesday, November 5, 1997
news item Columbus trims abatement for Worthington Industries Worthington News (SNP) Chris Booker (Author) Wednesday, January 12, 2000
news item Sensenbrenner says the downtown needs light rail Worthington News (SNP) Jonathan Athens (Author) Wednesday, March 28, 2001
news item Columbus City Council: Incumbents deserve re-election Worthington News (SNP) Wednesday, October 24, 2001
news item Sensenbrenner says 'smart growth' needed Worthington News (SNP) Bill Melville (Author) Wednesday, October 31, 2001
news item Six plus a write-in vie for council seats Worthington News (SNP) Bill Melville (Author) Wednesday, October 31, 2001
news item Columbus City Council incumbents win re-election This Week in Worthington Tricia Symansic (Author) Wednesday, November 7, 2001
news item We need each other: coming together as a regional community This Week in Worthington Richard W. Sensenbrenner (Author) Thursday, March 18, 2004
news item Big questions remain if Big Darby is to be saved This Week in Worthington Richard W. Sensenbrenner (Author) Thursday, June 3, 2004
news item Why downtown is a great place to live, work, play This Week in Worthington Richard W. Sensenbrenner (Author) Thursday, July 8, 2004
news item Few people rush to replace Sensenbrenner on council Worthington News (SNP) Jennifer Wray (Author) Wednesday, August 25, 2004