news item I'll continue to ask questions concerning levy Worthington News (SNP) Marc Schare (Author) Wednesday, April 25, 2001
news item District has far to go in order to brag Worthington News (SNP) Marc Schare (Author) Wednesday, May 23, 2001
news item Worthington taxpayers are hit from all sides Worthington News (SNP) Marc Schare (Author) Wednesday, June 27, 2001
news item Eight submit petitions to run for three board seats Worthington News (SNP) Pamela Willis (Author) Wednesday, August 29, 2001
news item Analogy doesn't hold gas Worthington News (SNP) Marc Schare (Author) Wednesday, September 5, 2001
news item Issue 49 factions continue to debate money numbers Worthington News (SNP) Pamela Willis (Author) Wednesday, October 17, 2001
news item Worthington school board: Schare says 'tone and culture' of board needs changed Worthington News (SNP) Pamela Willis (Author) Wednesday, October 17, 2001
news item Board candidates express their opinions Worthington News (SNP) Pamela Willis (Author) Wednesday, October 17, 2001
news item Worthington school board: Voters should elect Hasbrouck, Best, Bressman Worthington News (SNP) Wednesday, October 17, 2001
news item Only three candidates will ask tough questions Worthington News (SNP) Mary Reilly (Author) Wednesday, October 24, 2001
news item CARE hosts candidates night Worthington News (SNP) Timary Skaggs (Author) Wednesday, October 24, 2001
news item Worthington school board: Seven candidates vying for three seats on Nov. 6 ballot Worthington News (SNP) Pamela Willis (Author) Wednesday, October 31, 2001
news item Let your voice be heard in critical board race Worthington News (SNP) Marc Schare (Author) Wednesday, October 31, 2001
news item Three board candidates will restore fiscal sanity Worthington News (SNP) James (Jim) Stephen Timko, ?-2005 (Author) Wednesday, October 31, 2001
news item Timko takes low road Worthington News (SNP) Brad Graupmann (Author) Kathy Graupmann (Author) Wednesday, November 14, 2001
news item Can homeowners not pay an unjust property tax? Worthington News (SNP) Marc Schare (Author) Wednesday, January 9, 2002
news item Unjust laws are a far cry from inconvenient ones Worthington News (SNP) John Jordan (Author) Wednesday, January 16, 2002
news item Teacher raises are much more than 4 percent Worthington News (SNP) Marc Schare (Author) Wednesday, February 6, 2002
news item It's not wrong for students to acknowledge taxpayers Worthington News (SNP) Marc Schare (Author) Wednesday, August 14, 2002
news item Pro-taxpayer doens't mean anti-schools Worthington News (SNP) Marc Schare (Author) Wednesday, August 28, 2002
news item Pro=taxpayer doesn't mean anti-schools Worthington News (SNP) Marc Schare (Author) Wednesday, August 28, 2002
news item Schare responds to Graham challenges This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, January 9, 2003
news item Schare responds to Graham letter This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, January 23, 2003
news item Taft picks on schools to generate outrage This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, February 27, 2003
news item Forcibly disarming Iraq is only option This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, March 20, 2003
news item A few good ideas to get school budget in line This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, April 17, 2003
news item Some are GOP are being disingenuous on taxes This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, April 24, 2003
news item WEA should agree to board's request This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, July 10, 2003
news item History is brought to life in bicentennial production Worthington News (SNP) Marc Schare (Author) Wednesday, July 16, 2003
news item So far, four in race for board seats This Week in Worthington Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Thursday, July 31, 2003
news item Four take petitions for school board Worthington News (SNP) Pamela Willis (Author) Wednesday, August 6, 2003
news item Worthington should consider advisory panel This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, August 21, 2003
news item 3 hopefuls eye 2 board seats Worthington News (SNP) Pamela Willis (Author) Wednesday, August 27, 2003
news item Horton, Schare, Tyack in school board race This Week in Worthington Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Thursday, August 28, 2003
news item Candidate sets up internet-based forum This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, September 4, 2003
news item District's budget woes is plank in board candidates' platform Worthington News (SNP) Pamela Willis (Author) Wednesday, September 17, 2003
news item A smaller levy would buy us time This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, September 25, 2003
news item No children? Schare says he'll speak for you Worthington News (SNP) Pamela Willis (Author) Wednesday, October 8, 2003
news item 'Downsizing 'won't fix deficit problem This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, October 9, 2003
news item Additional topics suggested for forums This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, October 16, 2003
news item Schare urges focus on the long term This Week in Worthington Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Thursday, October 16, 2003
news item School board hopefuls entering the home stretch Worthington News (SNP) Katie Lombardi (Author) Wednesday, October 22, 2003
news item Three vying for two seats on school board This Week in Worthington Thursday, October 23, 2003
news item Few voters show for candidates night This Week in Worthington Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Thursday, October 23, 2003
news item Horton, Schare detail campaign spending Worthington News (SNP) Pamela Willis (Author) Wednesday, October 29, 2003
news item District can begin change toward fiscal solvency This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Wednesday, October 29, 2003
news item Candidacy represents shift to long-term district plan Worthington News (SNP) Marc Schare (Author) Wednesday, October 29, 2003
news item Roll back sales tax hike to pay for school taxes This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, November 13, 2003
news item Pay increase for board sends wrong message This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, December 11, 2003
news item Encourage quality at reasonable costs This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, January 15, 2004
news item Tiberi needs to back real retirement reform This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, January 22, 2004
news item We really must 'right-size' district This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, February 19, 2004
news item School funding cure could prove harmful This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, April 1, 2004
news item It's just $3,000, but did board need to spend it? This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, April 22, 2004
news item Time for Ottolenghi to answer questions This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, May 20, 2004
news item School board nees to take long term view This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, June 10, 2004
news item Is retire/rehire good public policy This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, July 15, 2004
news item Two-party deal-making isn't good for democracy This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, July 29, 2004
news item Both parties avoid true funding reform This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, October 7, 2004
news item Both parties avoid true funding reform This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, October 7, 2004
news item Reidelbach, Ottolenghi deserve congratulations This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, November 11, 2004
news item Self-debating Kerry is difficult to keep up with This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Tuesday, November 16, 2004
news item Blackwell is right on state economy This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Tuesday, November 23, 2004
news item Blackwell is right on state economy This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, December 23, 2004
news item Blackwell is right on state economy This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, December 23, 2004
news item Perhaps district needs moratorium on studies This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, January 13, 2005
news item The committee compiled reams of data on schools This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, January 27, 2005
news item Why Social Security system is a 'bad deal' This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, March 17, 2005
news item Modernize Social Security, but don't change system that works This Week in Worthington Robert (Bob) Barkley, Jr. (Author) Thursday, March 24, 2005
news item Cutting federal budget would be relatively easy This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, April 7, 2005
news item The biggest risk is to depend on current system This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, May 26, 2005
news item The biggest risk is to depend on current system This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, May 26, 2005
news item Schare responds on Social Security, Elivis This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, June 16, 2005
news item Schare offers a different perspective on school funding This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, June 30, 2005
news item Again, Democrats' first instinct is to raise taxes This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, July 21, 2005
news item Tax hike is needed to cover deficit This Week in Worthington Dick Graham (Author) Thursday, July 28, 2005
news item Taxes are investments we make in the future This Week in Worthington Jenny Saboley (Author) Thursday, July 28, 2005
news item Democratic majority clearly has mandate This Week in Worthington Garry Bergman (Author) Thursday, July 28, 2005
news item GOP leadership has failed Ohio residents This Week in Worthington David Wilson (Author) Thursday, July 28, 2005
news item GOP's first instinct: Cut critical programs This Week in Worthington Fran Sinmaz (Author) Thursday, July 28, 2005
news item Franklin County has a spending problem This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, August 4, 2005
news item So we can't question wasteful spending now This Week in Worthington Dan Meyersburg (Author) Thursday, August 4, 2005
news item We know what it means to pay our fair share This Week in Worthington Jenny Saboley (Author) Thursday, August 11, 2005
news item Schare's facts and figures examined This Week in Worthington Kris Banvard (Author) Thursday, August 11, 2005
news item Writer provides direct links used to arrive at conclusions This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, August 18, 2005
news item Schare uses numbers to deceive, not illuminate This Week in Worthington Kris Banvard (Author) Thursday, August 25, 2005
news item Bressman, Best and Schare to run unopposed This Week in Worthington Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Thursday, September 1, 2005
news item Issue 3 would decrease election accountability This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, October 27, 2005
news item Schare takes his seat on school board This Week in Worthington Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Thursday, January 12, 2006
news item Scare urges attendance for 'engagement' meeting This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, January 19, 2006
news item May school levy will be 6.25 mills This Week in Worthington Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Thursday, February 16, 2006
news item Board member explains his vote This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, February 23, 2006
news item Schare responds to 3 Ottolenghi letters This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, April 20, 2006
news item Opposition was just more sophisticated This Week in Worthington Dr. Abramo Ottolenghi (Author) Thursday, May 18, 2006
news item State, local taxes have a choke hold on Ohio This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, June 1, 2006
news item High taxes are a root cause of Ohio's economic malaise This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, June 22, 2006
news item The combination of state, local taxes hurt economy This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, July 6, 2006
news item The combination of state, local taxes hurt economy This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, July 6, 2006
news item Share: Use money to benefit kids, not coaches This Week in Worthington Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Thursday, July 27, 2006
news item Taxes will be the topic in townhall discussion This Week in Worthington Marc Schare (Author) Thursday, August 3, 2006