news item 'Turf war' could impact area This Week in Worthington Bob Monds (Author) Monday, February 14, 1994
news item Governments benefit from declaration: County auditor says extra money is not needed; refunds are given This Week in Worthington Bob Monds (Author) Monday, February 14, 1994
news item HB 698 targets welfare reform: Committee hearing possible in next few weeks This Week in Worthington Bob Monds (Author) Monday, March 28, 1994
news item MORPC plans a bike path study This Week in Worthington Bob Monds (Author) Monday, March 28, 1994
news item Property values being reviewed: Over 2,000 parcels to be examined by board of revision This Week in Worthington Bob Monds (Author) Monday, April 11, 1994
news item Saros looks forward to FCCS challenges This Week in Worthington Bob Monds (Author) Monday, May 30, 1994
news item Foulk reflects on the time in office: Commissioner says county has experienced 'massive' changes This Week in Worthington Bob Monds (Author) Monday, November 28, 1994
news item Local reps ready for 'new direction': Republicans garner powerful committee assignments This Week in Worthington Bob Monds (Author) Monday, January 2, 1995
news item Voinovich school finance reform: Funding changes would hit suburbs This Week in Worthington Bob Monds (Author) Monday, February 13, 1995
news item 'Robin Hood' in for tough fight This Week in Worthington Bob Monds (Author) Monday, February 20, 1995
news item Tiberi seeks welfare reform This Week in Worthington Bob Monds (Author) Monday, March 6, 1995
news item Childhood maladies tough for all This Week in Worthington Bob Monds (Author) Monday, April 24, 1995
news item Officals eye Bexley McDonald's: MORPC may assist in traffic study This Week in Worthington Bob Monds (Author) Monday, April 24, 1995
news item Childhood favorites never out of style This Week in Worthington Bob Monds (Author) Monday, August 28, 1995
news item Bicycle scare a learning experience This Week in Worthington Bob Monds (Author) Monday, September 11, 1995
news item Court rules in favor of McDonald's and Bexley This Week in Worthington Bob Monds (Author) Monday, November 6, 1995