news item 2 Perry Twp. trustee seats open This Week in Worthington Katie Foley (Author) Monday, October 4, 1993
news item Ninth-grade proficiency test: Nine must still pass test to graduate This Week in Worthington Katie Foley (Author) Monday, May 9, 1994
news item Memories count, not the medals This Week in Worthington Katie Foley (Author) Monday, May 30, 1994
news item Dublin schools do more with less This Week in Worthington Katie Foley (Author) Monday, February 6, 1995
news item Call, if you want I-270 widened This Week in Worthington Katie Foley (Author) Monday, March 13, 1995
news item High costs, could halt a signal at Dublin's Bright and Riverside This Week in Worthington Katie Foley (Author) Monday, March 13, 1995
news item A really big Big Bear for Sawmill This Week in Worthington Katie Foley (Author) Monday, March 13, 1995
news item Officals feel heat from roadwork advocates This Week in Worthington Joyce Bibey (Author) Katie Foley (Author) Monday, March 20, 1995
news item I-270 traffic congestion is studied This Week in Worthington Katie Foley (Author) Monday, March 20, 1995
news item High school transfers to be honored by district This Week in Worthington Katie Foley (Author) Monday, March 20, 1995
news item High costs could halt a signal at Dublin's Bright & Riverside This Week in Worthington Katie Foley (Author) Saturday, May 13, 1995
news item Call, if you want I-270 widened This Week in Worthington Katie Foley (Author) Saturday, May 13, 1995
news item I-270 traffic congestion is studied This Week in Worthington Katie Foley (Author) Saturday, May 20, 1995
news item Officials feel heat from roadwork advocates This Week in Worthington Joyce Bibey (Author) Katie Foley (Author) Saturday, May 20, 1995
news item High school transfer to be honored by district This Week in Worthington Katie Foley (Author) Saturday, May 20, 1995
news item French journey source of watercolor show This Week in Worthington Katie Foley (Author) Monday, May 22, 1995
news item Columbus mayor Lashutka cites need for vibrant central city This Week in Worthington Katie Foley (Author) Monday, July 24, 1995
news item Crosswoods to lose some operations to Tuttle This Week in Worthington Katie Foley (Author) Monday, July 24, 1995
news item Neighbors, developer clash in Dublin This Week in Worthington Katie Foley (Author) Monday, November 6, 1995
news item Heralded as solution, I-270 widening can only do so much This Week in Worthington Katie Foley (Author) Monday, November 20, 1995
news item Traffic problems in 1-270 corridor will only get worse This Week in Worthington Katie Foley (Author) Saturday, December 16, 1995
news item Casto set to begin Columbus development: $13.5 million complex will be constructed on an 18-acre parcel east of Sawmill road This Week in Worthington Katie Foley (Author) Monday, January 8, 1996
news item Will I-270 get four lanes, not three? This Week in Worthington Katie Foley (Author) Monday, February 26, 1996