news item Local Women's Club Holds First Meeting Tuesday Worthington News Thursday, September 28, 1933
news item Womens Club Asked to Join in Beautification Plan Worthington News Thursday, December 21, 1933
news item Women's Club Meets at the Medick Lodge Worthington News Mrs. Ford (Author) Thursday, September 27, 1934
news item Italian Program Given at Meeting of Women's Club Worthington News Thursday, October 25, 1934
news item Mrs. Harding Jr. Hostess Tuesday to Womens Club Worthington News Thursday, December 6, 1934
news item 120 Hear Speech of Dr. Held Here at Club Meeting Worthington News Thursday, January 24, 1935
news item Unusual Program Given at Meeing of Women's Club Worthington News Mrs. Warner (Author) Thursday, February 28, 1935
news item Drama Group Gives Play at Club Meeting Worthington News Mrs. Ford (Author) Thursday, April 25, 1935
news item Club Thanks 'The News' For Cooperation Worthington News Marjorie Reynolds (Author) Thursday, May 20, 1937
news item Some Christmas Customs Worthington News Ethel C. Taylor (Author) Thursday, December 23, 1937
news item Local Club Holds Meet on Tuesday Worthington News Mrs. Anderson (Author) Thursday, March 31, 1938
news item Women's Club Holds Annual Xmas Program Worthington News Mrs. McNaught (Author) Thursday, December 8, 1938
news item Women's Club Guest Night Fine Success Worthington News Mrs. McNaught (Author) Thursday, March 2, 1939
news item Local Women's Club Meets at Sanitarium Worthington News Mrs. McNaught (Author) Thursday, March 30, 1939
news item 'Get acquainted' party will be full of surprises Worthington News Thursday, November 7, 1940
news item 'Get acquainted' party draws crowd of about 600 Worthington News Thursday, November 14, 1940
news item Womens club brings Red Cross drive to close: Quota is $1500 grand total raised is $2093.15 Worthington News Thursday, January 22, 1942
news item Women's club hear talks on good literature: History of the Worthington Public library reviewed Worthington News Thursday, January 29, 1942
news item Women volunteer to make survey for price control Worthington News Thursday, August 13, 1942
news item Price control survey to be completed by end of week Worthington News Thursday, August 20, 1942
news item You will meet Mr. and Mrs. X at the get aquainted party Worthington News Thursday, October 29, 1942