exhibit Worship in Worthington Monday,February 1, 20219:30am Faith has been an important focus for Worthington community members since the village's inception in the early 19th century.
news item Building new churches Worthington News Leonard Insley, 1882-1952 (Author) Thursday, June 25, 1925
news item St. Nicholas rides into Worthington on crest of cold wave Worthington News Thursday, December 31, 1925
news item Rev. Wilber honored: named moderator of Columbus Presbytery Worthington News Thursday, April 15, 1926
news item Presbyterian men sponsors of new organization Worthington News Thursday, September 23, 1926
news item New Church Expected to be Dedicated in November Worthington News Thursday, October 21, 1926
news item Anniversary of new church dedication observed Sunday Worthington News Thursday, January 5, 1928
news item Noted speakers here Sunday: large audiences hear Dr. Thompson and Rabbi Tarshish Worthington News Thursday, February 2, 1928
news item Rev. Ullom to deliver series of special sermons at Presbyterian Church Worthington News Thursday, August 30, 1928
news item Church board elects officers: financial report of Presbyterian Church reveals gratifying condition Worthington News Thursday, April 18, 1929
news item Major Maude Allan speaks at local Presbyterian church Worthington News Thursday, April 25, 1929
news item Indianola Church chorus gives inspiring program at local church Worthington News Thursday, May 16, 1929
news item Remarkable play to be presented by local talent Worthington News Thursday, February 6, 1930
news item Play given by guild is fine success: All star performance Worthington News Thursday, February 13, 1930
news item Rev. Tom P. Ullom Receives Call To Pemberville, O. Worthington News Thursday, December 4, 1930
news item Pastor and Family Leave For New Home This Week Worthington News Thursday, December 18, 1930
news item Rev. C. A. Hunter is Guest Preacher in Cincinnati Worthington News Thursday, October 22, 1931
news item Local St. John's Quartette To Sing At Presbyterian Church Worthington News Thursday, February 25, 1932
news item Mock Wedding Featured In Prohibition Talk At Presbyterian Church Worthington News Thursday, March 31, 1932
news item Churches to Observe Easter with Many Special Services Worthington News Thursday, April 13, 1933