news item A message from school board Worthington News Stanley (Pete) Ulrich Robinson, Sr., 1891-1968 (Author) Thursday, October 29, 1925
news item High school and grade teachers employed for the coming year Worthington News Thursday, May 6, 1926
news item Dr. Nutt of Ohio Wesleyan meets with Worthington Borad of Education: Potter school house to be sold Worthington News Thursday, June 10, 1926
news item Opening of Local Schools Postponed For One Week Worthington News Thursday, September 8, 1927
news item School board renews depository contract with local bank Worthington News Thursday, April 12, 1928
news item Worthington schools to open Monday, September 10: George Wanamaker elected new coach and teacher Worthington News Thursday, August 23, 1928
news item Board of Education holds February meeting: Miss Caroline Longenecker speaks on health program for grade schools Worthington News Thursday, February 14, 1929
news item Board of Education elects teachers: C. E. Webb of LaGrange chosen as new superintendent Worthington News Thursday, May 16, 1929
news item Campaign for new school buildings underway here: plan of Dr. D. C. Holy adopted by local Board of Education at recent meeting: Lester Miller elected coach Worthington News Thursday, August 15, 1929
news item Civic associations endorse plans of school board for two new school buildings: Dr. Carl Gay speaks at League and C. of C. meeting Worthington News Thursday, September 26, 1929
news item Clerk of school board explains school bond levies Worthington News Charles (Charlie) Joseph Cummins, 1873-1965 (Author) Thursday, October 17, 1929
news item Dr. Heywood chosen new President of Sharon School Bd: Geese and Hartsook to head boards in Washington and Perry townships Worthington News Thursday, January 16, 1930
news item School Board holds February meeting Worthington News Charles (Charlie) Joseph Cummins, 1873-1965 (Author) (Author) Thursday, February 20, 1930
news item Worthington Schools To Open Monday, September Eighth Worthington News Thursday, August 21, 1930
news item To The Voters Of Worthington Village School District Worthington News Worthington Board of Education (Author) Thursday, October 30, 1930
news item H. B. Taylor Chosen Clerk of Trustees and School Board Worthington News Thursday, January 1, 1931
news item Township School Board Suggest Local Fund Chest Be Formed Worthington News Thursday, November 12, 1931
news item Local Teachers Re-Employed for 4 Months of Next Term Worthington News Thursday, May 19, 1932
news item Worthington Public School Will Open on September 11 Worthington News Thursday, August 3, 1933
news item Mrs. Helen Smith Named President of School Board Worthington News Thursday, January 11, 1934
news item Letter To The Editor Worthington News Worthington Department of Public Service (Author) Thursday, March 29, 1934
news item Teachers in Local Schools Unpaid for Past Seven Weeks Worthington News Thursday, May 10, 1934
news item Worthington School Bd. Asks That the 3 Mill Levy Be Continued for 5 Years Worthington News Thursday, October 24, 1935
news item Notice of Election of Issue of Bonds Worthington News William E. Donahue (Author) Thursday, March 11, 1937
news item Thanks Voters of Local School District Worthington News Dr. Carl W. Gay, 1877-1961 (Author) Thursday, April 8, 1937