Shops at Worthington Place


7227 N. High Street
Worthington, Ohio 43085


The Shops at Worthington Place is one of the names Worthington's mall has had through the decades. From its opening in 1972 to 1991, it was called the Worthington Square Shopping Center. From 1991 to 2005 it was called Worthington Mall. Its name reverted back to Worthington Square from 2005 until 2011, when its name was changed to the Shops at Worthington Place.

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Worthington's Mall: Over 60 Years of History

As the City of Worthington considers the proposed redevelopment of the Shops at Worthington Place, take a look back at the six-decade history of Worthington's mall.

news item

Showcase '75

Worthington News Thursday, October 2, 1975
news item

Ordinance No. 39-82

Worthington News
John P. Coleman (Author)
Thursday, April 29, 1982
news item

Ordinance No. 105-82

Worthington News
John P. Coleman (Author)
Thursday, December 16, 1982
