news item Question of which side of river is cause of mix-up Worthington News Thursday, June 25, 1970
news item Council acts to provide municipal parking lot here Worthington News Thursday, July 30, 1970
news item MDC hears plans for Mid-Ohio and for service road Worthington News Thursday, August 20, 1970
news item City withdraws from HCD Program Worthington News Susan Porter (Author) Thursday, January 17, 1980
news item Meeting on local mass transit here next Thursday Worthington News Thursday, August 14, 1980
news item Residents respond to COTA future Worthington News Susan Porter (Author) Thursday, August 28, 1980
news item Morse-Bethel connector studied Worthington News Ann Mitchell (Author) Thursday, May 8, 1986
news item Residents get opportunity to speak out on Issue One Worthington News Thursday, August 7, 1986
news item Study questions UMCH development Worthington News Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Wednesday, August 12, 1987
news item High Street traffic to double Worthington News Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Wednesday, October 7, 1987
news item City seeks MORPC advice on Busch development Worthington News Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Wednesday, April 13, 1988
news item MDC suggests changes to City's Comprehensive Plan Worthington News Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Wednesday, May 4, 1988
news item Council approves 20-year plan Worthington News Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Wednesday, July 13, 1988
news item New coalition studies traffic solutions Worthington News Susan Porter (Author) Wednesday, November 2, 1988
news item Road improvements to be extensive Worthington News Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Wednesday, March 22, 1989
news item Two zoning requests reflect different approaches to gaining aims Worthington News Wednesday, July 18, 1990
news item MORPC to write handbook on urban forest preservation Worthington News Wednesday, July 1, 1992
news item Riverwalk developers sent back for research Worthington News This Week Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Monday, September 14, 1992
news item Worthington commuters offered guaranteed ride Worthington News This Week Lynn Carlson (Author) Monday, October 5, 1992
news item Widening of I-270 could begin in '94 This Week in Worthington Sara Lipowitz (Author) Monday, January 4, 1993
news item More I-270 exits could be in area's future Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Lawrence (Larry) Houck (Author) Wednesday, February 3, 1993
news item Where would light rail go? Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Terry Bacus, Jr. (Author) Wednesday, February 10, 1993
news item Light rail mass transit: Coming to Columbus? Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Terry Bacus, Jr. (Author) Wednesday, February 10, 1993
news item Developers miss meeting; appeal denied Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Jerry Lipman (Author) Wednesday, April 14, 1993
news item Recent work by local artist now on display Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Wednesday, April 28, 1993
news item Worthington to help pay for I-270 study Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Christopher Bifani (Author) Wednesday, June 2, 1993
news item Train talk; Agencies study commuter travel Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Frank Esposito (Author) Wednesday, November 17, 1993
news item Northwest target for mass transit planning Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Lawrence (Larry) Houck (Author) Wednesday, February 2, 1994
news item Spencer paints busy I-270 picture Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Frank Esposito (Author) Wednesday, February 2, 1994
news item MORPC plans a bike path study This Week in Worthington Bob Monds (Author) Monday, March 28, 1994
news item Task force narrows mass transit corridor choices Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Lawrence (Larry) Houck (Author) Wednesday, March 30, 1994
news item Ramp to connect I-270 Rt. 315 is planned This Week in Worthington Joyce Bibey (Author) Monday, April 18, 1994
news item Worthington invited to join information highway Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Kent Cahlander (Author) Wednesday, July 20, 1994
news item To discuss HUD grant: MORPC-led citizen's forum faces a problem: No citizen This Week in Worthington Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Monday, September 12, 1994
news item Call, if you want I-270 widened This Week in Worthington Katie Foley (Author) Monday, March 13, 1995
news item Officals feel heat from roadwork advocates This Week in Worthington Joyce Bibey (Author) Katie Foley (Author) Monday, March 20, 1995
news item I-270 traffic congestion is studied This Week in Worthington Katie Foley (Author) Monday, March 20, 1995
news item Widening of 161 called MORPC 'alternative' This Week in Worthington Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Monday, April 24, 1995
news item Officals eye Bexley McDonald's: MORPC may assist in traffic study This Week in Worthington Bob Monds (Author) Monday, April 24, 1995
news item MORPC presents projects to ease north traffic Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Kent Cahlander (Author) Wednesday, April 26, 1995
news item Call, if you want I-270 widened This Week in Worthington Katie Foley (Author) Saturday, May 13, 1995
news item I-270 traffic congestion is studied This Week in Worthington Katie Foley (Author) Saturday, May 20, 1995
news item Officials feel heat from roadwork advocates This Week in Worthington Joyce Bibey (Author) Katie Foley (Author) Saturday, May 20, 1995
news item MORPC questions proposed Polaris project Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Wendy M. Lomano (Author) Wednesday, July 19, 1995
news item Public invited to see 161 alternatives This Week in Worthington Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Monday, August 28, 1995
news item Area projects competing for federal funds Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Kent Cahlander (Author) Wednesday, November 8, 1995
news item Heralded as solution, I-270 widening can only do so much This Week in Worthington Katie Foley (Author) Monday, November 20, 1995
news item Future not clear for north traffic Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Kent Cahlander (Author) Wednesday, November 29, 1995
news item Traffic problems in 1-270 corridor will only get worse This Week in Worthington Katie Foley (Author) Saturday, December 16, 1995
news item HOPE helps Telerski buy house Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) A. Kevin Corvo (Author) Wednesday, December 27, 1995
news item Will I-270 get four lanes, not three? This Week in Worthington Katie Foley (Author) Monday, February 26, 1996
news item MORPC asks for more I-270 funding This Week in Worthington Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Monday, March 4, 1996
news item MORPC hits road to pitch I-270 cooperation Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Kent Cahlander (Author) Wednesday, March 6, 1996
news item Goorey's idea for another I-270 interchange gets cold reception Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Kent Cahlander (Author) Wednesday, March 6, 1996
news item Group proposes traffic trouble solutions Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Kent Cahlander (Author) Wednesday, March 13, 1996
news item Monte Carlo closes doors Saturday Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Joanna Flemister (Author) Wednesday, July 30, 1997
news item Amphitheater noise group begins its work on Sept 4. Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Kara Dickinson (Author) Wednesday, August 27, 1997
news item City unsure of cost for streetscape project Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Tiffany Volpe (Author) Wednesday, October 1, 1997
news item Co-curricular fair held Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Andrea Kahn (Author) Wednesday, February 11, 1998
news item MORPC developing watercourse protection law This Week in Worthington Alan Froman (Author) Wednesday, May 20, 1998
news item Worthington on track for a passenger train station This Week in Worthington Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Wednesday, July 15, 1998
news item MORPC may not get level of federal funds it expected This Week in Worthington Michael Racey (Author) Wednesday, July 22, 1998
news item Transportation group needs money, leader This Week in Worthington Michael Racey (Author) Wednesday, August 19, 1998
news item Final MORPC report expected on Thursday This Week in Worthington Gary Seman, Jr. (Author) Wednesday, October 21, 1998
news item Where are you driving to, Columbus? Worthington News (SNP) Chris Booker (Author) Wednesday, February 17, 1999
news item MORPC unable to spend $523,000 of federal money This Week in Worthington Michael Racey (Author) Wednesday, February 17, 1999
news item MORPC to update central Ohio travel data This Week in Worthington Michael Racey (Author) Wednesday, February 24, 1999
news item MORPC seeks input on bikeway plan Worthington News (SNP) J. Holly Dolloff (Author) Wednesday, June 7, 2000
news item Commuter rail must be a priority Worthington News (SNP) Cliff Wiltshire (Author) Wednesday, June 28, 2000
news item Sensenbrenner says the downtown needs light rail Worthington News (SNP) Jonathan Athens (Author) Wednesday, March 28, 2001
news item Light rail meeting leads to lively sales tax debate Worthington News (SNP) Jonathan Athens (Author) Wednesday, March 28, 2001
news item Worthington's Elder receives MORPC award Worthington News (SNP) Court Squires (Author) Wednesday, May 2, 2001
news item Study could produce traffic answers Worthington News (SNP) Jonathan Athens (Author) Wednesday, May 30, 2001
news item After seven months, planning commission saving county money Worthington News (SNP) Bill Melville (Author) Wednesday, June 13, 2001
news item What's in a name? Maybe passage of a COTA tax Worthington News (SNP) Jonathan Athens (Author) Wednesday, June 13, 2001
news item County, planning agency survive the split This Week in Worthington Kevin Parks (Author) Thursday, June 5, 2003
news item MORPC forum examines region's future Worthington News (SNP) Jennifer Wray (Author) Wednesday, February 11, 2004
news item Central Ohio municipalities urged to cooperate on growth Worthington News (SNP) Katy Waters (Author) Wednesday, February 25, 2004
news item Committee to help chart Columbus' growth This Week in Worthington Dan Eaton (Author) Thursday, February 26, 2004
news item Trails, parks and vegetarian restaurants part of 'green map' Worthington News (SNP) Jennifer Wray (Author) Wednesday, September 15, 2004
news item Riverfest moves into shadows of downtown skyscrapers Worthington News (SNP) Jennifer Wray (Author) Sunday, May 15, 2005