news item Cardinal Booster Organization to be Formed Here Worthington News P. D. Quick (Author) Thursday, November 15, 1951
news item J. W. Loos Buys First Ticket in Cardinal Booster Organization Worthington News Thursday, November 22, 1951
news item The Cardinal Boosters Club Organization Now Under Way Worthington News Thursday, November 22, 1951
news item Cardinal Booster Basketball Clinic Huge Success Worthington News Thursday, January 17, 1952
news item Cardinal Boosters Planning Summer Baseball Program Worthington News Thursday, January 8, 1953
news item Capacity Crowd Attends First Annual Ox-Roast Here Worthington News Thursday, April 30, 1953
news item Cardinal Boosters Endorse School Levy and Bond Issue Worthington News Thursday, October 29, 1953
news item Keller and Truitt Will Head Booster Basketball Division Worthington News Thursday, December 10, 1953
news item Cardinal Boosters Sponsor Basketball Program Here Worthington News Thursday, January 7, 1954
news item Letters to the Editor Worthington News Willard M. Ewing (Author) Cardinal Boosters (Author) Thursday, February 25, 1954
news item O. W. Criswell Elected to Head Baseball Program Worthington News Thursday, February 21, 1957
news item Jay Truitt Named Annual Ox-Roast General Chairman Worthington News Thursday, February 21, 1957
news item Cardinal Boosters Elect Bob Keller '57-'58 President Worthington News Thursday, May 16, 1957
news item Snouffer Named to Head Cardinal Booster Baseball Worthington News Thursday, January 23, 1958
news item Cardinal Boosters Elect William Bean '58-'59 President Worthington News Thursday, May 15, 1958
news item WHS student body pays tribute to Mrs. R. T. Savage Worthington News Thursday, February 25, 1960
news item Boosters purchase equipment for use in girls' gym classes Worthington News Thursday, March 3, 1960
news item Cardinal Boosters elect Dave Douglass to succeed John Young Worthington News Thursday, June 16, 1960
news item Cardinal Boosters name men to head '61 baseball program Worthington News Thursday, January 19, 1961
news item Letters to the Editor Worthington News William (Bill) Paul Hunt, Jr., 1928-2021 (Author) Russell West (Author) Thursday, October 12, 1961
news item Ox Roast Saturday To Be Followed By Teen-Agers Dance Worthington News Thursday, May 3, 1962
news item Letters Attest to Esteem in Which Cardinal Boosters Are Held Worthington News Thursday, October 4, 1962
news item Letters to the Editor Worthington News (Author) John (Jack) Preston Wolfe, 1918-1997 (Author) Thursday, October 18, 1962
news item Letters to the Editor Worthington News Ralph Joseph Sabock, 1928-2010 (Author) (Author) Thursday, November 15, 1962
news item Letters to the Editor Worthington News Doug Myers (Author) Morton Kridel, 1918-1995 (Author) Paul Arthur Wherry, 1927-2007 (Author) Charles Raymond Burkhart, 1927-2008 (Author) William W. Dunning (Author) Thursday, October 17, 1963
news item Letters to the Editors Worthington News Mrs. Zimmerman (Author) Jim Baker (Author) Thursday, May 7, 1964
news item Cardinal Booster Membership Drive Nets Over $4,000 Worthington News Thursday, November 17, 1966
news item Cardinal Booster Membership Drive Is Tonight Students to Contact Homes in District Between 5 and 8 Worthington News Thursday, September 28, 1967
news item Editorials Worthington News Glenna Louvina Taylor (née Mendenhall), 1919-1969 (Author) Thursday, October 10, 1968
news item Worthington's 17th Annual Ox Roast To Be Held On May 3rd Worthington News Thursday, April 3, 1969