Henry B. Stickney was born some time in 1844.
he died Saturday, September 25, 1915. his recorded age was 71.
he was a veteran .
From "Westerville Public Opinion," September 30, 1915
Henry B. Stickney Dead.
Henry B. Stickney of South Main Street died very suddenly Saturday night, from a stroke of paralysis.
During the day he had been feeling as well as usual, but suddenly he was stricken with paralysis of the head and through and in two hours was dead.
The decedent was probably the oldest man, in point of actual residence, in the village of Worhtington. He was born in Sharon, Mason county, Kentucky, 71 years ago, and when three weeks old, was brought to Worthington with his parents, James and Nancy Stickney, where he continued to reside until his death Saturday.
When the Civil War broke out, Mr. Stickney joined the 133 O.V.I. and continued in the service until peace was finally declared. At the close of the war he returned to Worthington where he spent the greater portion of his remaining years in farming.
For a quarter of a century he was superintendent of Walnut Grove cemetery.
The decedent was an active member of Ark Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and also belonged to New England Lodge No. 4 of Masons. For half a century he was a member of the former organization, and for the last twenty-five years of that time he served as the Outer Guardian. During the entire period of twenty-five years which served in that capacity, he was absent only three times.
Mr. Stickney is survived by his widow, two daughters, Mrs. J. B. Taggart of Delaware, and Mrs. Elsie McGurer of Powell, a son J. Willis Sitckney of Columbus, two grandsons, two granddaughters, and by a brother, E. M. Stickney of Bodwen, N. D.
The funeral service was held at the late residence, Tuesday, with Rev. L. B. Bradrick of Columbus officiating, assisted by Rev. E. R. Slueter. The funeral services at the residence were conducted by the Odd Fellows while the last rites at the grave were performed by the Masons. Interment was made at Walnut Grove cemetery.
133 Ohio Infantry Com. H