Moses D.A. Steen was born Saturday, April 24, 1841 in Ohio .
he died Sunday, June 22, 1924. his recorded age was 83.
Preceded in death by parents Aaron and Mary (Freeman) Steen; daughter Lu Lu Grace Steen, Buried in Xenia, Ohio at Woodland Cemetery, and wife Mary Steen, buried at Walnut Grove Cemetery in Mausoleum. Rev. Moses D.A. Steen retired Presbyterian minister, died at the home of his brother-in-law, George Foster, in Worthington, Sunday, of heart disease. Rev. Steen for the past five years has been residing at the Thornton home for retired Presbyterian ministers at Newburg, Ind. and was in Worthington for a visit when his death occurred. Rev Steen's first pastorate was at the Presbyterian Church in Worthington and his last was at Ostrander, Ohio. For many years he was pastor at the Presbyterian Church in Ludlow, Ky. No immediate relatives survive. Funeral services will be held at the Presbyterian Church in Worthington, Oh. Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. Interment will be made at Walnut Grove Cemetery in charge of S.E. Corbin, funeral director.