Monica M. Runyan, ?-1974

Monica M. Runyan  was born on an unknown date.

she died Saturday, April 20, 1974. her recorded age was 58.

her remains can be found at Walnut Grove Cemetery in lot 359  - section D  - space #2 west (view map) .
Arrangements were made by Rutherford-Corbin Funeral Home. The burial took place on Tuesday, April 23, 1974.
Contact Walnut Grove and Flint Cemeteries for more information.

Monica M. Runyon, age 58, of 5353 N. High St. Saturday, Riverside Hospital. Employed, Swan Cleaners, Graceland Shopping Center. Widow of Gerald C.; survived by son, Richard C., Des Moines, Iowa; 2 grandchildren; 1 niece. Graveside service 1 p.m. Tuesday, Walnut Grove Cemetery by RUTHERFORD-CORBIN CHAPEL, 515 high St. Worthington. Family will receive friends at the funeral home hour prior to service time.