Gerald E. Richards, ?-1981

Gerald E. Richards  was born on an unknown date.

he died Sunday, March 15, 1981. his recorded age was 71.

his remains can be found at Walnut Grove Cemetery in lot 557  - section D  - space #4 west (view map) .
Arrangements were made by Rutherford-Corbin Funeral Home. The burial took place on Thursday, March 19, 1981.
Contact Walnut Grove and Flint Cemeteries for more information.

Gerald E. Richards, age 71, former resident of Worthington, Oh, since 1945, Sunday, March 5, 1981 at home in Herneno Beach, Fla. Retired from A and P. Co., Columbus Unit after 37 years service. Survived by wife Hilda B. Richards, Hernano Beach, Fla., daughters Ann Richards, Chicago, Ill., Mrs. John (Nana) Whalen, Severna Park, M.D., Mrs. Vincent (Carol) Lustig, St. Albans, W. Va., Sally Richards, Los Angeles, Calif.; 9 grandchildren; brothers Charles, Zanesville, Oh., Raymond, Massillon, Oh., Andrew, Portland, Og. sister Mrs. Georte (Glenna) Schaeffer, Charleston, W. Ba.; many nieces & nephews. Member of United Methodist Church. Arrangements being completed by RUTHERFORD-CORBIN CHAPEL, 515 High St., Worthington.