Lucille M. Randall, ?-1984

Lucille M. Randall  was born on an unknown date.

she died Friday, March 23, 1984. her recorded age was 62.

her remains can be found at Walnut Grove Cemetery in lot 858  - section D  - space #1 west (view map) .
Arrangements were made by Rutherford-Corbin Funeral Home. The burial took place on Tuesday, March 27, 1984.
Contact Walnut Grove and Flint Cemeteries for more information.

Lucille M. Randall, age 62, of Saling Drive, Columbus, Friday, March 23, 1984, at Wesley Glen. Retired from University Hospital. Preceded in death by first husband James E. McElmurray, Jr., second husband H.E. Randall, Jr. Survived by son James E. (Karen) McElmurray; daughter Mrs. Douglas (Lucinda M.) Beck, all of Worthington; sister Frances Livingston; brother Jerry Moore, both of Tampa, Fla.; grandchildren Todd, Troy, & Jessica McElmurray. Member of Worthington United Methodist Church. Funeral service 1 p.m. Tuesday, Rutherford-Corbin Chapel, 515 High Street, Worthington. Rev. Steven A. Harsh officiating.