Kelli Jo Morgan was born some time in 1979.
she died Tuesday, January 29, 1980. her recorded age was 5.5 months.
her remains can be found at
Walnut Grove Cemetery
793 - section
D - space
#3 west
(view map)
Arrangements were made by
Rutherford-Corbin Funeral Home. The burial took place
on Thursday, January 31, 1980.
Contact Walnut Grove and Flint Cemeteries for more information.
5 1/2 month old baby. Survived by parents Gary J. & Susan L. Morgan; sister Debi; brothers Rony & Casey, all at home; paternal grandmother Ms. Edna H. Morgan, Worthington, Oh.; maternal grandparents Mr. & Mrs. V.G. Ward, Worthington, Oh.; many aunts & unc