Rufus DeVault, ?-1893

Rufus DeVault  was born on an unknown date.

he died Wednesday, July 5, 1893. his recorded age was 13.

his remains can be found at Walnut Grove Cemetery in lot 483  - section A  - space #1 south (view map) .
The burial took place some time in 1893.
Contact Walnut Grove and Flint Cemeteries for more information.

From "Westerville Public Opinion," July 6, 1893
Much sympathy is felt by the people of this vicinity for the family of Rufus De valt [DeVault; Walnut Grove - KDL 2022], who was killed on the railroad Wednesday. The deceased was about 13 years of age. He had been plowing near the railroad on the farm of Fred Wilson about a mile north of here and had crossed the tracks to get a drink of water. There was a slow sand train passing on one line and he was standing on the other track intending to board the sand train, when he was struck by another train in such a manner that he was hurled into the ditch. His skull was fractured and several ribs broken; he lived a short time. The funeral was Saturday.