Edna M. Bruck was born Tuesday, March 16, 1915 in Boston, Massachusetts .
she died Monday, May 15, 2000. her recorded age was 85.
her remains can be found at
Walnut Grove Cemetery
721 - section
D - space
#2 west SW corner
(view map)
Arrangements were made by
Rutherford-Corbin Funeral Home. The burial took place
on Friday, May 19, 2000.
Contact Walnut Grove and Flint Cemeteries for more information.
BRUCK BRUCK Edna M. Bruck of Worthington, Ohio passed away peacefully on Monday, May 15, 2000. Preceded in death by husband Clyde. Survived by her sons Stephen and James and their spouses Ruth and Margaret; as well as her grandchildren Betzy, Andrew, Jason andJoseph. Services will be held 11 A.M. Friday, May 19, 2000 at RUTHERFORD-CORBIN FUNERAL HOME, WORTHINGTON CHAPEL, 515 High St., Worthington, Oh.