Clarissa Edith Bright (née Keplar) was born Friday, February 13, 1846 in Hocking County, Ohio .
she died Thursday, January 10, 1895. her recorded age was 48.
her remains can be found at
Walnut Grove Cemetery
213 - section
A - space
#2 north
(view map)
The burial took place
some time in January 1895.
Contact Walnut Grove and Flint Cemeteries for more information.
Children: John William, Charles Ellis, Franklin Elmore, Andrew Joseph, Harvey Beary, Barbara Elle Fickel, Alfred Marion, Carrie Mae Thompson (twin), Cora Bell Wagner (twin) Elizabeth Alice Whip, Clara Edith Bracken Wright, Berta Leona Kuhns, Martha Agnes Clark, Laura Arzonia Bright, Venus Agatha Rice Foulke. Other children. Ellen Riggin, Henry