March 2, 2018

Worthington Memory's scrapbook items are now available in the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA)!
If you visit the DPLA website today, you will find metadata and thumbnails from items in our scrapbook. Regular updates mean that as we add new items to our scrapbook, they will automatically appear in the DPLA collection.
DPLA is an all-digital library that aggregates metadata and thumbnails for millions of photographs, manuscripts, books, sounds, moving images and more from libraries, archives and museums across the United States. Ours is one of the first set of collections in the state of Ohio to be included, thanks to our participation in the Ohio Digital Network (ODN), established as a service hub and roadmap for Ohio institutions to participate in DPLA.
We look forward to introducing our rich materials to a wider audience so that they, too, can remember, explore and engage with life in Worthington.